affordable health plans, finally.
We believe a person works for whomever pays them and most insurance brokers are paid by big insurance carriers. We're loyal to you and only you. We're paid directly by our clients and only represent them. We prohibit health plan commissions, bonuses, or overrides from health insurers.
Bigger isn't better in healthcare. In our field this means bigger costs and inefficiencies, and much bigger incentives for the all the wrong people. We pride ourselves on providing high-touch consulting services that align us completely with our clients' goals and vision.
High Performance
We don't just pop in at renewal time - we're with you every day, all year long. We manage our health plans with a fine-tooth comb so our clients maintain complete control and clarity of their healthcare utilization and spend. We mitigate your risk before it happens.
Transparency is our thing, starting with how we get paid. We believe employers have the right to know how much healthcare really costs and where every single dollar is going. We commit to providing round-the-clock access to your health plan data and giving control back to employers.

Our Companies
Our flagship company, E Powered Benefits, has become a renowned architect of value-based, transparent, self-funded health plans by sharing our fees up-front, never taking health plan commissions, and creating care delivery relationships that incentivize high-quality & low-cost medical care for all patients.
Since our doors opened in 2018, our footprint and our mission has grown. We are now E Powered Companies and represent five affiliate companies and several partnerships that contribute to our vision of reforming healthcare into a patient-first, quality driven market.
The first and only employee benefits consulting agency that works completely outside of traditional, fully-insured carrier plans. E Powered Benefits is a full-service, direct fee firm and does not accept health plan commissions or bonuses that inflate our clients costs.
The long-standing, periodic, web-based meeting open to all industry professionals, interested parties, and newcomers. Each episode features an open forum and interactive audience with a spotlight speaker to educate on the latests happenings in our shared fields.
The annual in-person symposium for bold, benefits trailblazers. Curated by our team to bring the ultimate collaborative movement into the employee benefts space. The sympsium attracts 400+ transparent healthcare advisors, including clinicians and solutions partners.
Home of Health Plan Diagnostics™️, the Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment for health plans. We carefully audit your health plan and provide a full accounting of where your health plan dollars have been going – including how much your broker is really being paid.
& Our Affiliate Partners
The Association for Healthcare Advisors aims to verify the transparency and ethical conduct of all healthcare advisors in benefits consulting while providing access to advanced advisor education.
E Powered Benefits is a proud Verified Member of AFHCA.
E Powered Benefits’ Certified Health Value Advisor course, credentialed by The Validation Institute, is available to all and earns passing students the CHVA designation. This 5-hour curriculum can be digested virtually, or in-person at a scheduled teaching or at the annual YOU Powered Symposium.
We’re proud to partner with Acuity Specialty Administrators to deliver a seamless group administration and patient advocacy platform for Direct Primary Care embedded health plans created by E Powered Benefits for our clients and for other fee-based advisors and firms.
An expansion of the Certified Health Value Advisor course will be available to students at the University of Lynchburg, providing valuable insight into public health, US healthcare incentives, and effective value-based solutions.
Co-conspirators for Good

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