Our Favorite Benefits Statistics
from E Powered Performance Health Plans
The problems are universal and once we understand them, we can begin crafting effective solutions.
#1: Commission-Based Brokers
Have you thought about what happens to your brokers’ commissions when your costs go up every year? Broker compensation paid by carriers inflates at the same rate as your renewal. Why are you paying more money to your broker for increasing your costs every year? Do you pay poor performing employees more for doing less?
#2: Rising Renewal Costs
We bet your health plan costs have gone up almost every year, right? Why? Was it "trend" or "pool" or maybe "claims experience"? Did it sound like a bunch of buzzword baloney? It was.
Stop going into debt with your insurance carrier every single year.
#3: No Transparency
You should know everything about the health plan you and your employees are paying for and if you don't, it only means there's something to be hidden.
High Quality Care

Better Experience

Affordable Health Plan

Happier Doctors

Stop accepting the excuses that prevent you from seeing the data that’ll tell you the real story about your costs.
We bet your “loss ratio” isn’t anywhere close to what you’ve been told every time they make you pay more, and we’ll prove it to you.
E Powered Performance Health Plans give around-the-clock, real-time access to all plan data, claims information, and predictive analytics to its owners – that’s YOU.
You pay for your plan.
You have a right to know what you’re paying for.
No excuses.

"With a business model of charging a consulting fee and not accepting commissions or kickbacks, E Powered Benefits is now thriving, saving employers across the country millions of dollars."

"David Contorno is one of America's Most Innovative Benefits Leaders."

"I would recommend anyone who is shopping your employee health benefits to sit down or at least have a conversation with David. It will be time well spent to hear David and a different way to look at healthcare.

"We're happy to recommend David and E Powered Benefits and the cost reduction solutions that [they] are known for. I am a strong believer that their solutions provide a compelling value proposition to most companies."